Twins by the Bay is a private, non-profit organization run by and for its members.
The club is meant to be a means for facilitating relationships and communication among its membership.
in 1998 by founder Susie Robertson, its goal is to educate, support and
assist parents in the raising of multiple-birth children. Twins by the
Bay serves families in the East Bay cities of Oakland and Berkeley and
surrounding areas including San Lorenzo, San Leandro, Piedmont, Emeryville, Alameda, Albany, El Cerrito, and Kensington.
Membership is restricted to families with multiples. Multiples themselves, grandparents, parents, spouses, siblings and children of multiples are all eligible.
by the Bay does not discriminate on the basis of culture, race,
religion, national origin, ancestry, color, disability, gender, age, sexual orientation, family situation or economic
circumstances, and welcomes multiples and families of multiples from
all backgrounds.
Membership entitles you to access the club website, attend all meetings, functions and special activities, participate in the club e-mail listserv, receive the club newsletter, and come early to the annual garage sale. Dues are $45 per year. Our fiscal year is August 1 to July 31. Ten dollars of each full membership is forwarded to the national twins club, Multiples of America, for their bi-monthly newsletter. (For new members joining between March 1 and July 1, dues are pro-rated but also include the following year's dues at the new price of $45 per year. ($22.50+$45= $67.50.) If you join anytime between March 1 and June 30, you will not need to renew for a year and a half. All other member need to renew by August 1st of the current or next year depending on when they joined. New members joining during our July enrollment period enroll for the following fiscal year.
Our online enrollment process will allow you to pay by credit card or check. After you have paid, your membership will be approved by our Membership Director and you will be able to access the website (if you are paying by check,
you will also need to wait until after the check is
received and processed by the club treasurer). All new members are moderated, so you will experience a lag between when you post to forums and when you see the post arrive.
You are welcome to attend our support meetings to see what we are about and meet some of our members and ask questions. See the Event Calendar to find the date and location of the next meeting.
REFERRAL PROGRAM: Twins by the Bay has a referral program to assist members with special situations, such as dealing with a child in intensive care, choosing a doula, issues with identical twins, breast-feeding twins, and much more. Part of the online application process is a questionnaire that will assist us in directing members to other members that have similar experiences. All of the information that you provide is available only to members of the club and is treated with confidentiality and respect. This questionnaire is optional.
(Dues are tax-deductible. Scholarships are available if dues are a hardship.)